ED800 - Euroclinic | Medi-Care Solutions s.r.l


Product lines / ENT / ENT Devices

2 years warranty


Static Platform for posturographic and rehabilitation tests (Visual Biofeedback). 

Technical features 

The loading cells are placed at the vertex of an equilateral triangle (side of 36 cm). 

Nr. 03 loading cells: End scale 500Kg., non-linearity ≤ 0.08%. The whole system is connected to the PC via USB (5 VDC). 

The EDM software supported by the Platform ED800 allows the recording and the storing of following data: 

1. X-Y Plan (zoom available) 

2. Statokinesigram (zoom available) 

3. Stabilogram (zoom available) 

4. Correlation  (zoom available)

5. Fast Fourier Transform Graphic 

7. Most important parameters  (Average X, Average Y, Length, Surface, L/S, Average Speed, SD average Speed, etc.)

8. Romberg indexes of all parameters 

9. Rehabilitation tests (Visual Biofeedback